Exploring variation and possibility in simple forms.
Holly Horton is an artist living and working in the seaside town of Ramgsate, Kent. Self-taught, she works primarily in acrylic and gouache, although also produces mixed media work and collage. Her main passion is colour and she works with a wide ranging colour palette in her expressive, abstract pieces.
Her work is available in galleries in Margate and Stockholm, and she has had work featured in shows in Bristol and London.
Artist Statement
My works always start with colour, beginning with one or two that catch my interest and becoming an exploration of complementary and contrasting tones. Many of my paintings over the last three years have been part of a series, ‘August’ - these pieces start with a graphic, contrasting light and dark border, which frames an expressive study of colour, influenced by my emotions as much as outside sources. This border represents to me two simple extremes (light and dark) that contain the complex and multi-faceted range of possibilities within. I use different consistency acrylic paints, along with gouache, in bold, intuitive brush strokes, playing with mark making to create pleasing organic shapes and satisfying juxtapositions of colour and texture.
Work is currently available to purchase with The Ode To, SOTA Marketplace and via Narchie Home.
For all inquiries, please email hello@hollyhorton.com or fill out the contact form here.