what i’ve been up to

Sometimes I think I achieve nothing and then I look properly and decide maybe that’s not true. These are some things I have made in the last six months or so.

Six paintings, part of my ongoing series ‘August’, which are now available to view / purchase at Aimee Craddock Jewellery in Folkestone. I am overjoyed with how they look in this beautiful space alongside textile artist Alice Liptrot’s pieces and some very special Noguchi Akari lamps.

Four commisssioned pieces. I was intimidated about working this way, especially on the first project, which at 1 m square was by far the biggest painting I’d tackled. I was scared I wouldn’t be able to produce what the buyers wanted, that I wouldn’t live up to the faith they were showing in me. In the end, the experience was brilliant as well as panic-inducing, and I think I will write more about it in a full-length ‘artist note’ soon.

details from commissioned artworks

this is a detail from my largest ever painting, a 100 cm x 100 cm square canvas, that unfortunately i don’t have a good picture of in its entirety yet

Actually, five commissioned artworks. This one (below) was for my mum, and is quite different from my other work, but I adored making it. The process felt really intuitive and free and it makes me wonder now why I don’t feel that way more often, why I get all seized up and too in my head??? Beyond my actual personality, I suppose.

I’ve been accruing shapes and random cut-outs for more collage work. I love my vase pieces, but I’ve also been playing around with incorporating more abstract elements this time. Still very much a work in progress.

At the very beginning of this year I sent four pieces to The Ode To, two of which are still available to buy. Due to shitty Brexit-related problems, I haven’t been able to make any more work for this Stockholm based gallery since I made these. I hope something works out in the future .

december iii, available with the ode to

Hope to write again soon, possibly with that piece about working on commission.


studio diary - 28/8 - 1/9